The Woman With Four Legs And Two Vaginas
That is why we the living must be grateful to our creator daily. Mrs. Josephine Myrtle Corbin was born an American on May 12, 1868. During her birth, the parents said they didn't experience any complications during her delivery.
She was born as a dipygus. This means she has two pelvises. Her other two small legs were paired with the big ones.
She was also classified to be an easy-going smart kid. During her time on earth, she was the talk of the world.
She was nicknamed by medical practitioners as Mrs. B. and was commonly described as the woman with four legs.
She got married at the age of 19 to a lovely sweet man James C, Bicknell, and was pregnant the first time when she was 25. She vomited for two months and was placed under special medical attention.
After examining her it was discovered that she had two sexual organs and two wombs. One at the right the other on the left. And her first pregnancy was on the left she didn't believe the reports of the doctors.
She claimed she normally and only meet her husband on the right.
She decided to abort the pregnancy. It was expected that there may be some complications. But she was fine,
Later on, she and her husband had five wonderful kids together these include four girls and a boy. On May 6, 1928, which happens to be her birth month which was only six days to her 60th birthday when she died.
Her casket was made of concrete and was protected daily by her family members, this they did to prevent people from stealing her corps,
The possible cause of her condition called dipygus was
Genes from her parents. Because it was reported that her parents had the same color of eyes and other similar genetics features
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