
Showing posts from March, 2024

Woman Caught Having Sex With her stepson in the bathroom

My stepmother goes into the bathroom while I'm taking a shower and I get her to masturbate, the whore has fantasies about me, I could fuck her really good, I like to see that ass she has and she enjoy it when I fuck her in the bathroom and since then when ever she wants to take her bath she will ask me to escort her to the bathroom and I will do my major work and she like me when I placed my penis into her vigina 

Today's Headlines:Protest Rocks Ondo As Soldier Stabs Traders To Death, Rep Appoint 25 PWDs As Aides

Protest rocked Akure, the Ondo state capital, on Saturday, following the murder of a 27-year-old, trader, Ezeani Ebuka, by a soldier. Traders stormed the streets of Arakale, in the metropolis to protest the killing of their member by the military officer. The Arakale axis of the road was blocked by the protesting traders who called for justice. The Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Media and Public Affairs, Akin Rotimi, has reiterated the Green Chamber’s resolute to deepen grassroots engagements. Rotimi, a member representing Ekiti North 1 (Ikole/Oye) Federal Constituency, said the House of Representatives was interested in giving meaning to the people’s mandate to members by ensuring inclusive representation. The lawmaker spoke at Ikole Ekiti on Saturday during a one-day retreat with the theme “Building a team that leaves no one behind” where he presented appointment letters to 85 legislative aides and assistants which included 26 persons with disabilities. The Inter Pa

40-year-old Las Vegas hotel cleaner won a child support battle against a 28-year-old millionaire who she never slept with.

Jane was 36 when she stole a used condom from a then 24-year-old tech millionaire’s hotel garbage can. She inserted the semen inside her vagina and became pregnant with a baby boy who is now 4-years-old. During the child support hearing, Jane confessed that she never slept with the young millionaire and that she impregnated herself with his sperm while she was cleaning his room. “He left his bank statement on the nightstand in his hotel room and I saw it when I was cleaning, at the time I wanted a baby so bad and I thought it would be better if I had a baby with a rich man” The paternity test where conducted and the young millionaire is the father. The court ordered him to pay the mother of the child $2 million for the 3 years of his son’s life he missed. His lawyers said their client is planning to pursue other legal actions against the mother for stealing his bodily fluids and violating his privacy. Meanwhile, Jane had quit the hotel cleaning job and started a few businesses with he

Brazilian woman laced vagina with poison to kill husband

 In 2013, Brazilian woman laced her vagina with poison so that the oral sex would kill her husband A BRAZILIAN woman has confessed to trying to kill her husband by putting poison in her vagina and urging him to have oral sex with her, a news agency claims.  The bizarre murder plot, dubbed "cunning cunnilingus" by one commentator, took place in the city of Sao de Jose Rio Preto. The intended victim, a 43-year-old man who has not been named, says his wife tried to lure him into bed and encouraged him to perform oral sex on her. His suspicions were aroused when he noticed an unusual odour emanating from her private parts and, fearing she was unwell, took her to hospital, Brazil's Tvi24 reports. Medical tests revealed she had doused her vagina with enough of the unspecified toxin to kill both her husband and herself. Confronted with the test results the woman reportedly confessed to her crime. It is believed she hatched the bizarre plot after asking her husband for a divorce

Inside The Disturbing Sculptures Of Ireland’s Victor’s Way

This "adults-only" sculpture garden boasts a vagina with teeth, a naked woman forcefully separating from her child, and a man with no penis cutting himself in half. Even stranger, this Irish park is supposed to help people who are undergoing a midlife crisis or "dysfunction." Discover the bizarre world of Victor's Way — and see why the owner doesn't want any visitors under 28: Victor Langheld created a sculpture garden meant for adults only, but it's not exactly what you'd expect. The park, called Victor's Way, contains nudity and somewhat violent sculptures made of black granite. However, it's not supposed to be pornographic. Instead, it's meant for spiritual reorientation and philosophical enlightenment. Victor Langheld created a sculpture garden meant for adults only, but it's not exactly what you'd expect. The park, called Victor's Way, contains nudity and somewhat violent sculptures made of black granite. However, it'

Slavery was not “invented” by white people

zIt did not start in 1619 when the first slaves came to Jamestown. It existed before then.  It did not start in 1492 when Columbus discovered the New World. In fact, when the intrepid explorer landed in the Bahamas, the native Taino tribe hoped he could help them defeat their aggressive neighbors, the Caribs.  The Caribs enslaved the Taino and, on occasion, served them for dinner. Slavery existed in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The word “slave” actually comes from the Slavs of Eastern Europe. Millions of them — all white by the way — were captured and enslaved by Muslims in the ninth century and later by the Ottoman Turks. Slavery existed when the Roman Empire controlled the Mediterranean and most of Europe from the 1st through the 5th centuries. Slavery existed when Alexander the Great conquered Persia in the 4th century BC. It was so common that Aristotle simply considered it “natural.”  The slave/master model was just how the world operated in the great philosopher’s day.  Sla

What innocent-seeming picture is actually heartbreaking?

trigger Warning. The image below could potentially be triggering for some viewers as it is not %100 innocent if you look closely- Ok, so this picture doesn't exactly seem innocent, but it doesn't seem too tragic or abnormal either. In this picture we can see a woman crying, walking away from a man that seems to be having an arguement from behind. That's not what's really going on though. Take a look at the picture and observe the background as well and I'll explain. This picture was taken August 11, 1947, Los Angelos, California. Mr. John Thomas and his wife decided to go on a picnic with their two children. They brought with them their 9-year-old son, Raymond, and 7-year-old daughter, Patricia, to nearby Hansen Dam for the picnic. Both children wandered off out of sight and ended up missing until the following morning. The chief lifeguard, F.M Cox, discovered Patricia's body, drowned in the dam reservoir, and brought her to shore. This photo shows the lifeguar

A river pirate who killed at least 6 people, including stabbed the victim in the eye, is facing his execution in China in 1900

A river pirate is a pirate who operates along a river. The term has been used to describe many different kinds of pirate groups who carry out riverine attacks in Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, and South America. They are usually prosecuted under national, not international law A river pirate who killed at least 6 people, including stabbed the victim in the eye, is facing his execution in China in 1900. It stands on stones or wooden beams. Every day 1 will take off with his head on top. He will eventually have nothing to stand on and suffocate to death. On a sunny winter day some three centuries ago, British warships fired their cannons in celebration as Lieutenant Robert Maynard sailed up the James River upon his return to Virginia. Any questions as to the success of his covert mission to subdue one of history’s most notorious pirates were answered at the sight of the pungent trophy dangling from the bowsprit of Maynard’s ship—the severed, decomposing head of Edward Teach, bette

A river pirate who killed at least 6 people, including stabbed the victim in the eye, is facing his execution in China in 1900

A river pirate is a pirate who operates along a river. The term has been used to describe many different kinds of pirate groups who carry out riverine attacks in Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, and South America. They are usually prosecuted under national, not international law A river pirate who killed at least 6 people, including stabbed the victim in the eye, is facing his execution in China in 1900. It stands on stones or wooden beams. Every day 1 will take off with his head on top. He will eventually have nothing to stand on and suffocate to death. On a sunny winter day some three centuries ago, British warships fired their cannons in celebration as Lieutenant Robert Maynard sailed up the James River upon his return to Virginia. Any questions as to the success of his covert mission to subdue one of history’s most notorious pirates were answered at the sight of the pungent trophy dangling from the bowsprit of Maynard’s ship—the severed, decomposing head of Edward Teach, bette

CIA agent Felix Rodriguez left and Bolivian soldiers pose with Che Guevara moments before his execution. Bolivia, 9 October 1967

CIA agent Felix Rodriguez left and Bolivian soldiers pose with Che Guevara moments before his execution. Bolivia, 9 October 1967. Washington, DC, October 9, 2020 – Fifty-three years ago, at 1:15 p.m. on October 9, 1967, Argentine-born revolutionary Ernesto “Che” Guevara was executed in the hills of Bolivia after being captured by a U.S.-trained Bolivian military battalion. A CIA operative, Felix Rodriguez, was present. U.S. officials had been tracking Guevara’s whereabouts ever since he disappeared from public view in Cuba in 1965. The highest White House officials were intensely interested in confirming his death, then using it to undermine leftist revolutionary movements in Latin America, as a selection of White House and CIA documents posted today by the National Security Archive describes. President Lyndon Johnson himself received regular updates on Guevara’s whereabouts, the record shows, reflecting continuing, deep concerns over Cuban-inspired revolutionary activity in the regio

England as the second wife of His Majesty King Henry VIII, was executed by beheading at the Tower of London

May 19, 1536: Anne Boleyn, one-time Queen of England as the second wife of His Majesty King Henry VIII, was executed by beheading at the Tower of London. She was approximately 35 years old. Anne Boleyn had been found guilty of adultery, incest, and treason in a sham trial; the simple truth was that she had not delivered the King a son. "At around 8 in the morning Sir William Kingston, Constable of the Tower of London informed her that she must prepare for death within the hour, but she was already prepared. It was just a short journey out of the Queen's Lodgings. Past the Great Hall (where just under three years ago she had dined on the night before her coronation), through Cole Harbour Gate, along the west side of the White Tower, to the scaffold. It stood three or four feet high, draped in black and surrounded by possibly a thousand spectators. Many of whom she would know well, Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, Thomas Cromwell and the King's illegitimate son Henry Fitzr

Being pressed to death was one of the slowest and most agonizing methods of execution in human history.

For thousands of years, accused criminals were subjected to being pressed or crushed to death, most famously during the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. Although the specifics varied from culture to culture, the accused was generally tied down with a board laid atop them, followed by weight after weight — and sometimes it would take the victim up to three days to die as their bodies were crushed. Their bones would break, the person would suffocate, and sometimes their cracked ribs and shards of bone would even burst through their skin — all while stunned onlookers watched. In one case of pressing in 1676, the sight was reported to be so horrific that some of the onlookers took pity on the accused as he suffered under 400 pounds of stones — and jumped on top of him to end his suffering. Go inside the horrific history of pressing to death If you were sentenced to death by crushing, or getting pressed to death, you were in for an excruciating end. While strapped down, you would have intense w

Ireland 1849, Sidney Osborne | The gallows in Ireland were familiar and ever present features in front of every jailhouse

Ireland 1849, Sidney Osborne | The gallows in Ireland were familiar and ever present features in front of every jailhouse - no higher from the ground than an ordinary second-floor. Unlike England, they were in Ireland permanent fixtures - balconies with their fallen floors still hanging down from the last execution for all Irish Catholics to see and contemplate. About 10 feet above each trapdoor was a horizontal iron beam from the end of which hung a large iron cast of a skull.” The law did not distinguish between adults and children, and ‘strong evidence of malice in a child of 7 to 14 years of age’ was also a hanging matter. Taken from The Truth Behind The Irish Famine. 72 paintings, 472 eyewitness quotes. Signed copies at Vwegba Blogging World, bring you serial killer story, serial killers facts, murder, true crime, true crimecommunity, horror, truecrime addict, crime , tedbundy , homicide ,halloween, killer, rodneyalcala, murder on my mind, ,history ,netflixandchill ,deadlymen ,

Emmett Till's Funeral: Emmett Till’s mother insisted that her son’s funeral be an open casket

Emmett Till’s mother insisted that her son’s funeral be an open casket and declined the mortician’s offer to “touch up” her son’s body. “I think everybody needed to know what had happened to Emmett Till,” she said. In 1955, 14-year-old Emmett Till was abducted, tortured, killed, and dumped in the Tallahatchie River in Mississippi for supposedly flirting with a white woman by the name of Carolyn Bryant. Till’s killers were Roy Bryant (Carolyn’s husband) and his half-brother J.W. Milam. Both men were acquitted of the crime by an all-white jury. In 1956, they did a story with Look Magazine in which they admitted to the murder and received $4,000 in compensation. It's believed Carolyn Bryant is still alive today. She admitted to lying about the incident! Now The Story is Full Emmett Till’s mother declined an offer from the mortician to “touch up” her son’s body, and she made the decision to have an open casket funeral. “I think everybody needed to know what had happened to Emmett Ti

BLOOD EAGLE: The Viking Torture Method So Grisly Some Historians Don’t Believe It Actually HappenedViking sagas describe the ritual execution of blood eagle, in which victims were kept alive while their backs were sliced open so that their ribs, lungs, and intestines could be pulled out into the shape of bloody wings. The Vikings didn’t come into towns walking on moonbeams and rainbows. If their sagas are to be believed, the Vikings cruelly tortured their traitors in the name of their god Odin as they conquered territory. If the suggestion of a blood eagle was even uttered, one left town and never looked back. Viking sagas details blood eagle as one of the most painful and terrifying torture methods ever imagine. The story describes how: “Earl Einar went to Halfdan and carved blood-eagle on his back in this wise, that he thrust a sword into his trunk by the backbone and cut all the ribs away, from the backbone down to the loins, and drew the lungs out there….” • The History Of Blood Eagle Executions One of the earliest accounts of the use of the blood eagle is thought to have occurred in 867. It began a few years before, when Aella, king of Northumbria (present-day North Yorkshire, England), fell victim to a Viking attack. Aella killed Viking leader Ragnar Lothbrok by throwing him into a pit of live snakes. In revenge, Lothbrok’s sons invaded England in 865. When the Danes captured York, one of Lothbrok’s sons, Ivar the Boneless, saw to it that Aella would be killed. Of course, simply killing him wasn’t good enough. Ivar’s father Ragnar had — allegedly — met a gruesome fate by a pit of snakes. Ivar the Boneless wanted to make an example out of Aella and to strike fear into the hearts of his enemies. Thus, he committed the damned king to the blood eagle. Modern scholars debate how Vikings performed this ritual torture and whether they even performed the gruesome method at all. The process of the blood eagle is indeed so cruel and grisly that it would be difficult to believe that it could actually be carried out. Regardless of whether it is merely a work of literary fiction, there is no denying the fact that the ritual was stomach-churning. The victim’s hands and legs were tied to prevent escape or sudden movements. Then, the person seeking vengeance stabbed the victim by his tailbone and up towards the rib cage. Each rib was then meticulously separated from the backbone with an ax, which left the victim’s internal organs on full display. The victim is said to have remained alive throughout the entire procedure. What’s worse, the Vikings would then literally rub salt into the gaping wound in the form of a saline stimulant. As if this wasn’t enough, after having all of the person’s ribs cut away and spread out like giant fingers, the torturer then pulled out the lungs of the victim to make it appear as if the person had a pair of wings spread out on his back. Thus, the blood eagle was manifested in all its gory glory. The victim had become a slimy, bloody bird. The Vikings more than describes the torture method. You can also watch it reenacted — but be warned. • The Ritual Behind The Blood Eagle King Aella was not the last royal to face the blood eagle. One scholar believes that at least four other notable figures in Northern European history suffered the same fate. King Edmund of England was also a victim of Ivar the Boneless. Halfdan, son of King Haraldr of Norway, King Maelgualai of Munster, and Archbishop Aelheah were all believed to victims of blood eagle torture because they were victims of Ivar the Boneless. There were two main reasons Vikings used the blood eagle on their victims. First, they believed it was a sacrifice to Odin, father of the Norse pantheon of gods and the god of war. Second, and more plausibly, was that the blood eagle was done as a punishment to honorless individuals. According to the Orkneyinga saga of the Vikings, Halfdan was defeated in battle at the hands of Earl Einar who then tortured him with a blood eagle as he conquered Halfdan’s kingdom. Similarly, Aella was tortured in vengeance. Indeed, even the stories of the blood eagle — true or not — would have emptied out any village just by word of mouth before the Vikings could even make ground there. At the very least, the rumors of such torture would have established the Vikings as a divinely fearsome lot — and not to be trifled with. • Ritual Or Rumor? Victims of the practice died in the 800s and 900s, possibly into the 1000s. Written accounts, often embellished and told for entertainment during long winter nights up north, didn’t come about until the 1100s and 1200s. Writers of the Viking sagas heard stories and wrote them down. Perhaps they embellished the ferocity of Vikings to make them sound more heroic. A depiction of messengers of King Aella bringing news to the sons of Ragnar Lothbrok. Clearly, that didn’t do any good. However, there may be merit to the blood eagle story. The poets who wrote them down were very specific in the method used. Surely, someone actually tried this torture method because of the gory details that someone described. One Danish historian, Saxo Grammaticus, relays the ritual as merely the means of carving an eagle into a victim’s back and other details were added later and, “combined in inventive sequences designed for maximum horror.” Either the blood eagle was an actual thing, or it was a propaganda tool. But either way, it was terrifying. • Other Viking Torture Methods The Vikings employed other torture methods aside from the blood eagle. One was known as Hung meat, which was just as nasty as it sounds. Vikings pierced the heels of victims, threaded ropes through the holes, and then strung them upside-down. Not only was piercing the heels horrendously painful, but the blood ran down to their hearts. The fatal walk was another gruesome testament to torture. A victim’s abdomen was sliced open and a bit of intestine was pulled out. Then the torturer held the victim’s intestines as the victim walked around a tree. Eventually, the entirety of the victim’s intestinal tract would wrap around the tree. Whether it was a blood eagle, hung meat, or a fatal walk, the Vikings knew how to make examples out of their enemies.

Viking sagas describe the ritual execution of blood eagle, in which victims were kept alive while their backs were sliced open so that their ribs, lungs, and intestines could be pulled out into the shape of bloody wings.  The Vikings didn’t come into towns walking on moonbeams and rainbows. If their sagas are to be believed, the Vikings cruelly tortured their traitors in the name of their god Odin as they conquered territory. If the suggestion of a blood eagle was even uttered, one left town and never looked back. Viking sagas details blood eagle as one of the most painful and terrifying torture methods ever imagine. The story describes how: “Earl Einar went to Halfdan and carved blood-eagle on his back in this wise, that he thrust a sword into his trunk by the backbone and cut all the ribs away, from the backbone down to the loins, and drew the lungs out there….”  • The History Of Blood Eagle Executions One of the earliest accounts of the use of the blood eagle is thought to have occ

This is the most brutal tortures ever done in history

Innocent Sikh martyrs who were killed mercilessly by Mughals/Turks/Afghan Tyrants but never accepted Islam despite all luxuries promised by Muslim invaders. Along with others pic so let's start.  Photo of Bhai Mati Das Ji (1621–1675) sawn into two pieces by Mughal emperor Aurangzeb. He was martyred mercilessly in front of Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji it was done so that 9th Guru may change his decision and convert to Islam but he never did neither his followers Bhai Mati Das Ji,Bhai Dyala Ji,Bhai Sati Das Ji so Aurangzeb couldn't convert Kashmiri Pandits either as they started a revolt against these fanatics and this supreme sacrifice willingly lead to enthusiasm among weak and oppressed ones. Pandit Kirpa Dutt a Saraswat Brahman was a Kashmiri Pandit too who became Kirpa Singh Dutt and later sacrificed himself in Final Battle of Chamkaur for 10th Sikh Guru.  Another Kashmiri pandit Gangu (Ganga Ram Kaul father of Raj kaul) was also a Kashmiri Pandit he came at time of 9th Sikh guru b

22 year old Jordan Worth was jailed for 7 years in April 2018 for torturing her boyfriend over a 9 month period

22 year old Jordan Worth was jailed for 7 years in April 2018 for torturing her boyfriend over a 9 month period. She had controlled every aspect of Alex Skeel’s life.  The couple met when they were both 16 years old and eventually moved in together, it was around this time that the controlling behaviour began. The abuse started off as psychological with Worth deciding which clothes in which colours Skeel could wear, she then began isolating him from his family, sending messages from his phone telling them not to contact him. Next she broke his phone and took control of his social media accounts. She also told Skeel that his grandfather had died, which was not true, then berated him for being upset by the news.  It took around 18 months for the psychological abuse to turn physical and started with her sleeping with a glass bottle beside her bed, she would accuse him of doing things with other girls, then wait until he fell asleep and hit him on the head with the bottle. Soon Skeel was

Meet The Woman Who Was Frozen For Six Hours


56-year-old man reportedly marries 16-year-old girl in Anambra

A 56-year-old man who is reported to be mentally unstable has married a 16-year-old girl in Anambra. According to reports, the traditional wedding was graced by family, friends and associates in Ozubulu area of Anambra State. This man in the picture carrying this girl on his leg is by name Izuchukwu Igwilo from the well known very rich Igwilo family in Ozubulu Anambra State. The man himself “Izuchukwu” is mentally unbalance. He is suffering from demented brain. He is not normal and at the same time he is a drunkard, and he will be at least 56 years old. Now his family wants to marry a wife for him and they got this small girl for him. A 16 years old girl, This girl is from a very poor family… POVERTY IS A VERY BIG BASTARD …, The family of this small girl did not waste time to hand over their daughter to Izu’s family just because the Igwilo family are very rich. This girl is under age for Heaven sake. This is completely evil. Yes a big evil because Izu will not be the one to be servi

The 1873 Colfax Massacre Was a Racist Attack on Black People’s Democratic Rights

The US government had abandoned the region, as well the people in it, leaving political, judicial, and police power up for grabs. Many Americans have never heard of one of the most important episodes of mass murder in US history: the Colfax Massacre—exactly 150 years ago today—when white supremacists slaughtered over one hundred fifty black men in the northwest corner of Louisiana. The power struggle in Colfax had first turned deadly earlier in April, when a band of white supremacists murdered a black man in his front yard. Union veteran William Ward, who served as a black state representative, local Radical leader, and militia captain, ordered his company to muster immediately. Historian LeeAnna Keith estimates that about three hundred black militiamen, along with their families, flocked to Colfax’s town center, occupying the courthouse (which, in the war-torn rural South, was a “repurposed” plantation stable). Ward, who had grown up enslaved as a carpenter in Virginia, began drill